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Kashmir Solidarity Day camp to respect their right to self-determination

Posted on : June 14, 2024

The Aaisha Foundation organized a camp for kashmir day in Pakistan to have a glimpse of the historical background of the region. The camp was organized on the occasion of the anniversary of the start of Kashmir conflict in 1947, which is a sensitive date for the people of Kashmir.
The given conflict is one of the oldest between Pakistan and India, as both countries claim the territory of Kashmir in the Himalayas in its entirety. The problem arose after the British withdrawal in 1947 which led to the formation of Pakistan and India. The region of Kashmir was divided between the two countries through a line known as the Line of Control (LoC). Maharaja Hari Singh of the region decided to join India, resulting in the First Kashmir War against Pakistan. The Indo Pak war ended with the signing of the Karachi agreement through which the LoC was established segregating Kashmir into the Indian and the Pakistani control.
Pakistan celebrates Kashmir day on Feb 5 to commemorate the Mirpuri Kashmiris’ struggle for freedom. The day is marked with protests and rallies for the rights as well as organizing events in Pakistan and other parts of the world where Kashmiris reside. The day aims to draw attention to the people of Kashmir who hold the Kashmir independence flag and for India to respect the people’s right of self-determination.
Aaisha Foundation organized a kashmir events camp and it was well appreciated to showcase our cultural heritage for which they had built a stage and shower support with  kashmir day speech. It included cultural programmes as in mirror provided to the visitors display on history of kashmir, kashmiri music n dance show and seminar on kashmir issue.
The kashmir events focused on music and dance, showcasing the culture of the Kashmir valley. They gave a live performance showcasing the cultural dances of Kashmir such as Bhand pather & Rouf and Qawwali music. People loved the acts that depicted the elegance and the colors of the Kashmiri heritage.
In the Kashmir solidarity day camp there was a seminar on the issue of kashmir conducted by various experts and scholars who have this issue under study. To highlight, the seminar discussed conflict history and reasons, and effects on the people of Kashmir. The United Nations and other intergovernmental organizations was a key topic of the seminar, which focused on the resolution of conflicts.
Kashmir solidarity day camp of Aaisha Foundation was highly successful and helped in promoting the cultural aspect of the beautiful region of Kashmir. The camp brought out the cultural aspect about the region through songs and dances, as well as a seminar about the disputed territory of Kashmir. The audience really had fun during the event, appreciating the beauty and wealth of Kashmiri culture. The camp promulgated the kashmir day flag to raise awareness of the people of kashmir seeking self- determination.
In the future, the Aaisha Foundation will plan more events to contribute towards the needy and rich culture of Kashmir. The foundation will affiliate with various agencies to educate the public on the conflict in Kashmir and put pressure on India to allow the people of Kashmir to determine their own fate. The Aaisha Foundation's Kashmir Day camp celebrated Kashmir's rich history and culture with kashmir day speech making it a successful event. The camp highlighted the region's cultural heritage through traditional music, dance performances, and a Kashmir conflict seminar. The audience loved the Kashmiri cultural event for its beauty and richness. 

Location: Faisalabad

Timing: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM

Date: 2024-02-05